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Board Certification


Women are 50% of the population, yet only represent 20% of board members: corporate boardrooms

are the most powerful rooms in business, where decisions are made.

Are you a woman looking to bring value to a boardroom? 

C-Sweet is partnering with ACE Board Certification for Women, their online and live board certification 

programs provide you the key elements you need to get on paid corporate boards.



About the course:

The Corporate Directors Intl. Board Certification shows that you have invested time, money and energy in getting yourself prepared to sit on a board, and the ACE Board Training Program is designed to teach you all that you need, to acquire your certification. The online course is available 24/7, so you may start at any time. 

Already there are women who have completed the ACE Online Board Certification Classes and are now certified and on paying boards.  

We need more women to be ready for boards. And you could be one of them. Or know someone who is. Are you wanting to get on boards?  Now could be the perfect time to get yourself ready. 

If you are a self-starter, like to learn at your own pace, and are motivated to get on a board, then this program is for you. Join us for the ACE Online Board Certification | Corporate Board Certification, Training & Placement For Women — Michele Ashby | Corporate Board Training For Women ( This is a DIY class, registrants then go at their own pace and there are group coaching calls included. 

See you in the boardroom!


Here's what other members are saying:

"I can’t express how valuable the Women on Board Certification Program was through Michele Ashby’s LLC. I got so much out of the course with additional education, board preparedness, refresher on corporate financial statements, board governance and bylaws, terms and conditions, board compensation and structure, all while teaming online with an amazing group of peers. The affiliation between C-Sweet and Michele’s LLC Ambassador program made a career goal a reality."

Beth Hilbing

"The ACE Board Certification program provides a holistic personal and professional overview. You learn to articulate your value proposition, write your board resume, and highlight your board qualifications. You'll discover how to identify and find a paying corporate board position. You gain self-confidence in representing your value to a board, as well as a broader view of participation responsibilities. You'll complete the course with insights into board governance, responsibilities, and operations, as well as a high-level view into corporate finance to spot red flags. There was much I learned! While it may seem minor, one of my best take-aways was making sure that your board has D&O insurance... leading me to champion and put this critical piece in place for one of my new corporate board positions. We appreciate our partnership and highly recommend Michele Ashby and the ACE Board Certification program to our C-Sweet community!"

–Dianne Gubin

"I'm happy to report that I just completed the exam and passed! Thanks to other C-Sweet members in the program for their support along the way!"

Kim Davis 

"I owe my success to C-Sweet. If I wouldn’t have joined the organization, I wouldn’t have learned about this opportunity."

Virginia Sanchez

"I’m happy to share that I’ve just passed the Corporate Directors International Certification Exam and can add the CDI.D designation next to my name. Thank you to C-Sweet's Beth Hilbing and Dianne Gubin and, of course, Michele Ashby for supporting the effort to get more women on boards... now to find a board!"

Sara Mazer

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Contact C-Sweet:

Address:  23823 Malibu Rd #108, Malibu, CA  90265


Call:  818-222-0300

When Female Leaders Collaborate,

We All Win!

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